Fourth of July '19

9:58 AM

H A P P Y  F O U R T H  O F  J U L Y


Hi everyone! Soo.. it's been a minute. And by a minute I actually mean like a year and a half.. if you can even believe it. Truth be told, I was feeling insignificant and not good enough to be blogging. I was really struggling with myself and have been WAY too caught up in the comparison game. I've gained some decent weight and felt pretty for far too long. Simply because I'm heavier. That's ridiculous and shows just how messed up our society truly is. That we cannot feel beautiful or pretty or be happy with ourselves unless we're a certain size. Bullshit. I'm trying to love my body in it's current stage and appreciate myself for all else that I am. I hope you will try to do the same. It's hard. So maybe we can all get through it together, supporting one another and cheering our peers on! 

I just got this dress from Ivy City Co a week or two ago, and I'm legit obsessed with it! It was in the making for quite awhile and the owners teased about it's release for months, I believe. I literally couldn't wait to get my hands on it! It's even better in real life. It's so beautiful and very high quality. The fabric is thick and a little bit heavier, but I love it so much! White dresses are one of my all time favorite pieces to wear, so I knew I was going to need to add this one to my collection! And it was the perfect piece to wear for the fourth!

You can shop my entire look here, via the liketoKNOWit app! Download the app and follow me at heatheryeates and you'll be able to get direct shoppable links to all my favorite finds! I'm SO SO excited to finally be able to offer this! Thank you so much for sticking with me and supporting me in something I love so much! 


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